Have you ever been in a situation where you really wanted to help someone that was in need, but was lacking the finances or other physical means by which to help? Well, I most certainly have & I use to hate that feeling of helplessness to be unable to assist them in any way.
The Good News is…that as a Jesus Follower, we ALWAYS have something of Great Benefit to offer someone in need. That is the Power, Comfort, Hope, Strength & Joy that lies in Jesus & His Word. Whether the one in need is an unbeliever or a seasoned Christian. Even if we lack the material things, we can always help them spiritually! Which sometimes unbeknownst to them or us, might actually be their biggest need after all.
By having faith, praying & offering the Lord to Use what you do have to bless them. You can open the doors to so many different ways & avenues, God can Powerfully use you to minister in a particular situation & bring Him glory. It might be having a kind listening ear, an Encouraging word, sharing a Scripture the Holy Spirit puts on your heart, the gift of your time or physical efforts, etc…the possibilities for the ways Jesus to work through you to help others are Endless ELP