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* Psalm 150: 1 & 6 *

1) “Praise the Lord! Praise God in His Sanctuary; praise Him in the heavens of His power!”

6) “Let everything that has breath & every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord ( Hallelujah!)


The book of Psalms begins with: Psalm 1:1-2 ,“Happy are those who…love the Lord’s teachings.”  and ends with: Psalm 150:6, “ Praise the Lord!” In between every situation you might experience on the journey of life- trials, losses, betrayals,joys, hopes, promises & desires. The Psalms represents the whole spectrum of human experience & the faithfulness of God to walk with you through each one!

Here is a precious truth for you today: When you begin with faith in God- reading the Bible & trusting His love- you end with praise for Him. So adore Him! Worship Him! Express your love for Him from the depths of your soul! Because He is Faithful and will never let you down & He is worthy of all Praise!

Adapted by Ruth from the book “Moments of Peace in the Presence of the Lord