“But godliness actually is a source of great gain when accompanied by contentment [that contentment which comes from a sense of inner confidence based on the sufficiency of God].”
What do you do in the lulls of life? The parts when there is nothing new, big or exciting going on. When the holiday hustle is over & a somewhat regular daily routine has commenced. Recently, having found myself in the lulls of returning to a regular routine, I had asked that question. I have found that I am having to figure out what to do, how to maintain focus & be content. In these times when there is a somewhat quietness of sorts to my everyday life. As I continue on my journey of sobriety, I am learning more & more how to do this life thing without vices. Especially the vice of getting something new.
You see, having been an addict, I had led a fast paced & crazy life. The only way I knew how to function was from one big thing to the next. From one shiny new object, to grabbing for the next one. I had thrived my entire adulthood on the high of looking, waiting & searching for the next new thing. Always to be left feeling empty no matter what new thing I got.
Now that my life has been transformed by Christ & I walk in deliverance from addiction. I am learning to embrace these lulls in life. For, it’s in this time that the Lord is teaching me so much more about myself. Like how to be content with what I have, where I am & who He has created me to be. He has helped me shift my focus from what I want or can get, to being content with what I have been so graciously blessed with. He is teaching me to utilize the tools I already have to do the things He as called me to do. Sobriety is an ever on going journey & I am so thankful to have the Lord by my side teaching & leading me every single day! Everyday of Sobriety is truly a gift!!
By Ruth Griffith