As Follower of Christ, Starting, Staying & Ending every day with Him should be our Goal. Personally, when I started a relationship with Jesus almost 2 years ago. I set this as my daily goal & diligently strove for it. Now, Begining, Continuing & Ending each day with HIM has become a lifestyle(second nature) to me. HE is truly the Air that I Breathe❣
By creating a lifestyle that is JESUS centered, is how even in difficulty or trying times when the enemy tries to trip me up menatally & emotionally, I am able to stay grounded to my SAVIOR, REDEEMER, HEALER & LOVER OF MY SOUL! Because of the ONE WHO holds me in HIS HAND, I am NEVER overtaken. For when I am close to Him He is close to me & I am ALWAYS Victorious!
If your feeling a little defeated in any areas of life, I encourage to start making it a habit to start, continue & end your day with Jesus. I promise when you do, you’ll be Amazed at what positive changes can take place in your heart, mind & spirit!