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“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.”

This last month I was faced with some pretty heavy mental attacks from the Devil. At first I struggled with feeling like they were pushing me backwards, making me digress. But as I kept throwing myself at the feet of my Savior, the most amazing thing happened. The Holy Spirit gave me the strength to persevere & keep striving for the things of the Lord. Especially on days when I felt lost, inadequate & insecure( and unwisely comparing myself to others). Even when I felt like I could not hear the Lord or see what I was to do next, the Holy Spirit keep me going.

It was out of the Persevering heart, the Holy Spirit had imparted unto me. That gave me the strength to daily continue my pursuit for the Lord & His will for me. Through the continual praying, seeking & studding the Word, even on those days when I didn’t feel like it or even want to. That the Lord finally showed me after almost a month of soldiering through this mental battle . I had not digressed at all, I was exactly where He intended me to be. For you see, It was during this time of battle last month when I had felt so challenged. That He in fact, was growing & fine tuning things within my spirit. He was bringing me another level.(spiritually leveling me up, if you will.) He was better equipping me for this Amazing Journey with Him & what lays ahead.

I want to encourage you if you are feeling under attack & challenged. That the Lord is constantly working on your behalf & wants nothing but the very best for you! Even when it hurts a bit & we struggle, if we keep seeking Him with our whole heart. He is faithful & will bring us through every challenge we face. Making us stronger & wiser in the things of Him along the way. So keep pushing onwards & persevering my friend. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead & guide you, He will help in your weakness. For your breakthrough or revelation is just up head if you keep trusting in the Lord!

By Ruth Griffith