In our society today Self-Confidence is a popular subject matter. The world teaches confidence by learning to rely solely on one’s OWN strengths, abilities & to be self-assured. That kind of self-reliant mentality is a complete contradiction from what the Word of God teaches us. “For it is in Him we live, move & have our being”, Acts 17:28. These self-centered, self-empowered ways of thinking are lies & tricks from Satan to keep your focus off God, the Creator of Life & keep it on yourself.
Now, don’t get me wrong, self-confidence is not wrong at all. If However, it is based & comes from your relationship with Christ. When we put our complete trust in God & His Word, our lives take on a new focus, stability & poise. A biblical based self-confidence or what I like to call, “God-confidence”, is a confidence / faith in God’s Word & His character. That is the kind of confidence that give us strength & perseverance to keep propelling forward no matter what. Because of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross at Calvary… We can “approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”, Hebrews 4:16.
I want to encourage you to adapt a Jesus based self-confidence that is rooted in Him & His Word. Do no put confidence in your flesh alone, but place EVERY confidence in the GOD WHO Created, Redeemed & Called You. If you do, the strength / confidence He will give you to accomplish the things He has destined & purposed for you to do, will be far greater than you could ever do relying solely on yourself.
By, Ruth Griffith