It is truly impossible to live in this fallen world without getting hurt or abused, offended or misunderstood, lied to or rejected. Even though you can’t change what has happened to you, you can change how you respond to it. The key to overcoming these things, receiving true healing & walking in freedom, is found in Christ. In His Guide Book for Life (AKA..The BIBLE) we learn how to respond properly to these tragedies & injustices by Choosing Forgiveness. Which is an act of our own personal will in obedience & submission to God’s will.
I love this definition of forgiveness: giving up my right to hurt you, for hurting me!
Now we are human after all & maybe there are currently or will be times you don’t feel like forgiving those who have hurt you. But let me tell you life changing secret… by CHOOSING to forgive others, you are trusting Jesus to bring you healing both spiritually & emotionally. In Essence, allowing Him to set you free from those who have harmed you & keeping you bound by the harm they inflicted upon you.
You see, the reason forgiveness is vital, is harboring unforgiveness towards others, brings about bitterness & bitterness has been scientifically linked to stress-related illnesses.( Trust me on this…I know from personal experience) Not forgiving someone not only keeps you captive & bound spiritually but physically as well. I encourage you to choose to walk in forgiveness. Allow Jesus & His Holy Spirit to give the strength needed to so. That way you can walk in freedom & fullness of life that He purchased for you on the cross❣